Understanding the difference between Respect and Honor - Standing alone in an empty room.

Often construed as the same thing. Respect and Honor are entirely different, and in that difference lies all the difference.

Honor delivers freedom and alignment of soul and body. Respect leads to slavery and dependency. 

Sovereignty or serfdom.

Below is a mind experiment that might help you understand the difference.

The goal of this exercise is to help you intellectually understand what your heart already knows; the true definition of Honor. 

When you respond to these questions, listen to yourself. Which answers seem awkward? Which of them requires a "yeah, but..."? And which can stand on their own with no provisors. 

As you ponder the following thought experiments, listen to your gut. Don't overthink it.

Standing in an Empty Room

You are standing in the center of an empty room. 

There is no one else there. 

The door is locked—empty chairs surround you.

Just you, alone.

So here is the first question. Can you have Respect while standing in an empty room? 

You will most likely say, "Yes, I have self-respect."

Now, I am going to ask you the second question. Can you have Honor as you stand in an empty room? 

You say, "Yes."  And that is it — no need to split yourself.  Saying "I have self-honor" rings ridiculous.

You can have Honor standing in an empty room. It is fixed, firmly intrinsic. 

The difference?

I need you to notice something peculiar and essential. 

"I have Respect." cannot be said without calling out another entity. Without the "other" there can be no Respect. Even "Self-respect." is splitting yourself in two.

Respect requires an external source. Others define the qualifications.  Where one does not meet those qualifications, no respect is given. They give it and nix it at their whim.

Honor, however, is intrinsic. Honor can only be abandoned. None can bestow it, and none can take it away. 


We are creating a network of Honor-based Ideas, Individuals, Organizations, and Endeavors in order to make more good stuff happen! Care to join us? Let me know!
