Honor-Based people are warped individuals - Warp and weft

We have all met someone with whom we feel immediately, immensely simpatico. They don't play the games most play when interacting with others. They are authentic. They don't feel the need to prove anything to you. They don't need to know where you stand in the pecking order, who you know, and what you make. They want to know you, to really connect. Discover what you have in common, and then celebrate what is special about you. They make you feel like you are connected and enmeshed.

Someone like that makes you feel "cut from the same cloth." 

To connect with someone like that takes courage, vulnerability, and authenticity. Such traits emanate from a fearless person standing on a firm foundation.

People like that are special, rare, and a little bit warped.

Warp and Weft

Warp and Weft are the two basic components used in weaving to turn thread or yarn into fabric. The lengthwise or longitudinal warp yarns are stationary in tension on a frame or loom, while the transverse Weft (sometimes woof) is drawn through and inserted over and under the warp. [1]


The Warp is where all the color comes from. The Weft ties it all together.

The right weft pulls colors to the surface. With the right weft, the colors weave a tapestry of bold, bright, beautiful splendor. 

The wrong weft suffocates the colors and overpowers the pattern.

The strength of the weft decides the strength of the fabric. A weak weft creates weak fabric. 

The weft that binds people leveraging fear or pride is stiff and brittle.

The weft that connects via authenticity, care, collaboration, and kindness is pliable yet extremely strong.

Becoming part of an exquisite Tapestry

"Enmeshment" comes from deeply connecting with others, being willing to enhance each others' colors, and trusting others to do so for them. 

Only those who stand firmly on a secure foundation can feel at home with that level of intimacy. That kind of vulnerability and honesty.

The secure foundation upon which someone can feel strong yet humble and vulnerable is to stand with Honor. It is to stand on an Honor-Based foundation.

Those who stand on an Honor-based Foundation:

  • Are open to learning.
  • Are compassionate.
  • Have an abundance mentality.
  • Can lose everything and not feel lesser.
  • Are gracious and grateful.
  • Celebrate the success of others.
  • See their shortcomings as opportunities, not liabilities.

People who live this way are Warped individuals indeed.

An Honor-based Weft constructs a beautiful, vibrant, radiant social fabric inclined to celebrate any occasion and strong enough to weather any storm. 

Are you a Warped individual? Care to connect with other Warped individuals?

Learn more about what it means to be Honor-Based.

Standing on an Honor-based Foundation lifts us to see past the bullying, lies, and manipulation. It unshackles the inexhaustible power of volition, propelling us to live joyfully.  It frees us to embrace life unabashedly, to live a life of purpose, on purpose.

The Honor-Based Foundation's mission is to unbind the limitless power of volition, promoting collaboration between Honor-based individuals, ideas, organizations, and endeavors.

Go to the website to find out more!
